Behind the Scenes: How ChatGPT and Bard Are Trained


Two outstanding examples of the advancements in AI in recent years are ChatGPT and Bard. These models are capable of more than just answering questions thanks to cutting-edge natural language processing technologies. Have you ever thought about the intricate process needed to train these AI marvels, though? This post will go through every aspect of the fascinating ChatGPT and Bard teaching procedure.

Data Collection

The first step is to gather data. The enormous volumes of text data that OpenAI gathers from the internet include books, websites, articles, and more. These extensive literary holdings serve as the foundation for the models. But in addition to quantity, quality is also significant. OpenAI carefully selects the data for diversity and use. The choice of data sources has a big impact on the models’ knowledge and language skills.

OpenAI currently gathers textual data for the next stage using web crawlers and scrapers. They combed the internet for text and gathered it from a wide range of sources. Throughout this process, it is necessary to cope with various file formats, encodings, and data anomalies.

Preprocessing and Cleaning 

Raw data acquired from the internet may be of varying degrees of quality. Numerous errors, inconsistencies, and unimportant facts are included. In the preprocessing stage, OpenAI does the laborious task of cleaning and preparing this data. To achieve this, you must:

The models can only learn from reliable inputs if the data has been thoroughly cleansed. Additionally, it aids in the purging of unsavory information.


To better comprehend and manage text, programs like ChatGPT and Bard use a technique called tokenization. The text gets cleaned up before being tokenized. A token may consist of a single letter or a whole phrase. 

The process of tokenization is essential because it divides the language being analyzed or created into smaller, easier-to-manage bits.

Tokenization is helpful in managing computer resources and is necessary for understanding the structure and semantics of language. Tokenizing paragraphs and lengthier sentences make it easier for the models to handle them.

Model Architecture 

Bard is built on the GPT-3.5 framework, much like ChatGPT. The acronym GPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer.” The main objectives of this neural network design are the production and processing of natural language. The key benefit of having the models “pre-trained” is that they have already absorbed a significant amount of linguistic knowledge from the data collection and cleaning processes.

On the “transformer” architecture, GPT models are based. The models can detect subtle linguistic patterns and linkages in the text because they have an internal mechanism for self-awareness. Transformers, the core of modern artificial intelligence language models, have drastically changed how natural language processing is done.


Pre-training takes up most of the time spent training a model. At this point, the models are filled with tokenized text pulled from the internet. Studying grammar, context, and semantics helps them become better at predicting the following token. Pre-training is a time-consuming operation that requires a lot of processing power.

During the pre-training phase, the models acquire a staggering quantity of linguistic knowledge. They get a sense of context, become used to a large vocabulary, and understand how language is put together grammatically. This stage is crucial for building models that can provide reliable, situation-appropriate responses.


After a brief training period, ChatGPT and Bard started their journey toward perfection. The behaviors of the models are adjusted and tailored to new activities and use cases during this phase. The models are trained using a smaller dataset produced in collaboration with human reviewers to fine-tune.

The key participants in this scenario are the human reviewers. They use the OpenAI principles provided for this purpose while assessing possible model outputs for different inputs. Through a loop of feedback, models are maintained up to par with OpenAI’s standards and user expectations. 

OpenAI maintains a constant channel of contact with its reviewers, responding to their questions and altering the behavior of the model as required.

Deployment and Continuous Learning

Once the last tweaks are performed, the models will nearly be ready for usage. Bard and ChatGPT both enable user interaction in a variety of ways. They doesn’t stop there; they continue to assess how well their models are doing and collect user feedback to make modifications.

Continuously learning new things is essential. This ensures meaningful responses and keeps the models current. Bard and ChatGPT are often updated to reflect linguistic shifts and new information. The users of this adaptive educational approach are always interacting with the most advanced language understanding models.


Training ChatGPT and Bard involves several processes, including collecting data, cleaning it up, tokenizing it, creating the model, training it, modifying it, and training it again. These models have enabled incredible advancements in artificial intelligence.

As they advance and provide new opportunities for human-AI collaboration and interaction, they promise an even more exciting future for AI. The intricate process required to develop these models serves as an example of the ingenuity and dedication that advance artificial intelligence, benefiting users in a variety of professions and sectors.